Safe temperature storage guidelines
The following are guidelines from La Leche League International on how to safely store breastmilk at various temperatures:
Expressing breastmilk is the act of removing milk from your breast, either by hand or using a manual or electric pump. You may want to express milk if:
your breasts feel uncomfortably full
you will be spending some time away from your... read more »
However, this does not mean that you have to stop breastfeeding. You could:
request flexible working hours
organise child care close to your workplace, so that you can breastfeed during breaks as well as when you are at home
express... read more »
Start pumping and freezing your milk, in date labelled containers, about a month before returning to work. This will enable you to stock up, to get used to your pump, and work out how long each pumping session will take. Advise your employer of your intention... read more »
Here are a few more tips to help you pump successfully:
1) One of the most important things you need to do is to keep yourself hydrated, have a glass of water before you start pumping and another next to you whilst you’re pumping.
2) Some things that... read more »
The style of bottle feeding currently being used has been associated with various increased risks, including overfeeding - which can lead to other problems and colic like symptoms. For these reasons Health Professionals now promote the new Paced Responsive Feeding... read more »
To ensure your little one stays cool during the summer months check out our top tips:
Pick the right clothes – If you’re going to be spending most of your time indoors choose loose fitting, lightweight clothing made from cotton which absorbs perspiration... read more »
If you think your partner, relative or friend is experiencing the baby blues then here's how you can help:
Reassure her that she is doing a great job
Help around the house by putting some washing on, cooking some meals etc.
Give... read more »
A hard belly
Loss of appetite
Smelly poo and wind
Crying and discomfort, pain or irritability before doing a poo
Dry, hard, pellet like poo
If your baby is breast fed they are less likely to be... read more »